Study Info

What is GEMS?

The Gender Euphoria and Microaggressions Study (GEMS) is an online short-term longitudinal study on the associations between microaggressions, gender euphoria, nonsuicidal self-injury, and other gender-related experiences.

What is the study’s goal?

GEMS aims to conduct timely research for the health and well-being of trans+ adolescents and young adults. Our main research questions are: how do daily microaggressions and daily experiences of gender euphoria interact to affect trans+ mental health and experiences of NSSI? By participating in the study, you bring us closer to understanding trans+ mental health more wholly.

Who is conducting the study?

This study is being conducted by Josh DeSon (they/them), a fifth-year PhD candidate in Fordham’s Mood and Behavior Lab. Josh leads the Gender, Sexuality, and Mood Section of the lab with a team of undergraduate researchers. Dr. Peggy Andover is this study’s faculty advisor through Fordham University. Additionally, we are proud to have partners within the Brooklyn Community Pride Center who consult on GEMS. See the Our Team page for more information.

What does it mean to join the study?

GEMS is an online study that involves one baseline survey that participants complete during a remote video call with a member of our research team. Then, participants receive one brief (5-10 minute) survey via text message to their cellphones each afternoon (12:00 pm EST) and evening (7:00 pm EST) for 8 days.

How is my information kept safe?

You will be assigned a code number. This code number will be used instead of your name on the questions you answer. 1.     Your name, phone number, and email address will be kept separate from your responses in a password-protected file. Only trained study staff will be able to access this file. Your phone number will be deleted and replaced with your code number once you have completed participating in the study. Your responses will be accessible only by trained study staff. All information will be kept in a locked area, password-protected files in Dr. Andover’s Research Laboratory at Fordham University, and password-protected encrypted Microsoft OneDrive. Per guidelines, we will keep your data for seven years or until the study has been completed. All identifying information will be deleted at that time, and all data and consent forms will be destroyed. 

How am I compensated for my time?

The main benefit to participants will be their contribution to trans+ communities and science. Understanding how these concepts interact may help us help other trans+ adolescents and young adults. Additionally, ·participants will be compensated $10 for completing the baseline survey, $0.50 for each of the two daily surveys, and a $7 bonus for completing at least 80% (13 out of 16) of the daily surveys, for a total maximum compensation of $25.